Playing My Own Game – SMBC: The Lost Levels – Part 1

Jay Pavlina plays through The Lost Levels in Super Mario Bros. Crossover 3.1.

I decided to record a play through while I was testing The Lost Levels in Super Mario Bros. Crossover 3.1.

24 thoughts on “Playing My Own Game – SMBC: The Lost Levels – Part 1”

  1. hey,i played a lot of SMBC when i was a kid,and i loved it,enjoyed every fucking second of that game,sorry btw english is not my native language,please help,i can’t play it,i don’t understand dfuq is happening,after i click on ”play the preview of SMBC” it just sends me to a video where jav is playing it,i think the version he is playing is 3.1,but what do i have to do to play smbc again?,please help

  2. Yes, you can still play SMBC from the first version up to v. 3+ like how I still enjoy the game nowadays. Yet, not as a flash game but as an .exe game.

  3. There are times that I miss SMBC and wish I could play it again. I wonder, with the new flash player, it would be possible to play it, again.

  4. I don’t understand why half of these comments are so hateful. But I’m sure he’s hard at work with his new game, as well as the OPENGL version of SMBC. I am excited about playing it again, as I miss the Flash player days already. I wasn’t able to play the preview, though.

  5. Jay, please help me, or someone else! I can’t play the new version it just IS the old version and when i click ”new game” and says im playing the old version. When i click ”yes” so it can redirect me to the new version it takes me to the exact same page!! PLEASE HELP ME!! 🙁

    1. you smarty pants you just loaded the new version this is just too cunfusing oh and your baby looks very angry whats the baby’s problom

      1. It’s Fist Pump Baby, it’s a meme, ok? It’s also pointless to reply, ‘cuz milpool already helped me.
        Also,milpool, if youn read this, thanks.

  6. I love how you didn’t recognise Quint =D
    Quint is from the second Game Boy game, and he won’t get off his pogo stick for whatever reason.

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