Jay continues to play Super Mario Bros Crossover with ridiculous commentary.
Here’s a new video where I once again act like an idiot while playing the game. And it’s really funny because my girlfriend called while I was recording it.
Also, check out this awesome box art made by Steve Napierski from Dueling Analogs.
I really love this box art. However, there is one problem with it. It seems to be missing a character…
Exploding Rabbit gets discussion forums. Now people can talk shit to each other. Cool.
Hellz yeah! It’s about ta get crazy up in here! We gots forums, yo!
Since a bunch of people were already talking to each other on the Facebook page, I decided to start some forums. I think it’s awesome that there is a community building around Super Mario Bros Crossover. And the people are pretty cool too. It’s awesome connecting with so many gamers that appreciate the 8-bit classics. I never imagined all this would happen just by releasing a simple game, but it’s so cool.
So anyway, go check out the Exploding Rabbit Forums and start talking shit to each other. Or you could be nice to each other. Whatever. I’m gonna keep releasing new crap so there will always be something new to talk about.
And here is some other news that no one cares about but I will tell you anyway. I changed the domain of this website from exploding-rabbit.com to explodingrabbit.com. There’s no more dash! OMFG Megaton or whatever people say. I’m not up to date with the current lingo. So yeah. Happy Forums day!
Jay takes a break from working on Super Mario Bros Crossover and plays through it with some crazy, intense commentary.
I was a bit stressed out from working on the game so much, so I decided to take a break and make a funny video. I act kind of crazy, so hopefully it doesn’t scare people. It’s just for fun.
And I’m not really that pissed off, I just exaggerate it for comedic effect. You can see that I break character while fighting Bowser, although I’m not sure there is much of a character to break; but that’s my favorite part of the video.
By the way, I really, really enjoy making videos, so I hope you guys like them. I’m gonna start making the videos a little bit more elaborate, but I’m not going to do so much that it slows down progress on the game. It’s nice because I can do a video to take a break from the game, and then work on the game to take a break from the videos, and I can take a break from both by working on the website.
Oh yeah, and the game should hit 12 million plays in a few hours. That is some f***ed up shit… but it’s pleasant smelling shit, and I will gladly take some more of that shit and smell it all day.
Thanks for all the support. I look forward to creating more stuff for you to enjoy.
Jay releases the second developer commentary on Super Mario Bros Crossover, featuring Bill Rizer and Link.
I recorded another developer commentary video for Super Mario Bros Crossover. I really enjoy making these videos because I’ve never had a chance to talk to people about any of my projects. I hope you like it.
There isn’t much news to report at the moment. I’m working very hard on SMC and hope to have an update out in a few weeks. I’ve noticed a lot of people posting videos on Youtube about the game. That’s awesome. Also, a lot of people have been making feature requests. Don’t worry guys, I won’t let you down. There will be awesome stuff coming in the future, and I read all your requests and consider them for the game. With enough time, I could make this game even better than my original plan, which was very ambitious.
Thanks for everything! I’ll keep working hard for you.
Jay releases his first developer commentary for Super Mario Bros Crossover.
I recorded a short video commentary about Super Mario Bros Crossover. I give a small introduction and talk about Simon for a bit. I’ll probably do one for each character, and then I’ll do whatever you guys want. So please check out the video and let me know what you want me to do in the future by posting on the Exploding Rabbit Facebook Page (in the “Discussions” tab). Or you can just post wherever and I’ll probably see it. I hope you like the video!
Jay gets tired of all the praise and requests he is getting, so he decided to make himself look like an idiot.
Wow, Super Mario Bros. Crossover is still in the news today. I was feeling a little bit frustrated about some business type things, but everything is much better now. But anyway, I figured I’d put up a funny video of myself just to relieve some of the pressure.
Video removed for copyright reasons. It’s possible I might put it up again later.
Yes, that is me dancing like an idiot. See, you all thought I was some genius game developer, but it turns out I’m just a crazy person. Have a good day and please remember to not take yourself or your life too seriously.
My second interview just got posted. Be sure to read it because it’s pretty funny.
By the way, the game has been played almost 6 million times.
And we’re talking about the game on The Exploding Rabbit Facebook Page, so be sure to check it out. I’ll be looking there for feature requests and other things.
Super Mario Bros. Crossover gets over 1 million plays.
Super Mario Bros. Crossover has been played over 1,000,000 times, and it hasn’t even been on the Internet for 48 hours yet. Seriously, I just made this game for fun and wasn’t expecting all of this, but I’m very, very flattered. I’m so appreciative of all the nice comments people are leaving and also for donations, which I had no idea would happen. But really, I’m just glad people are playing my game. I did an interview that will probably answer a lot of your questions. My email is flooded and I will try to get back to people when I can.
Thank you for everything. Just keep playing the game and having fun.
Super Mario Bros Crossover, the game I’ve been working on for a million years, is finally released.
Holy Shit! I am finally done with this game. I’ve been working on it forever. So far I have only uploaded it to one site, but it’s very popular. I uploaded it to Newgrounds only 6 hours ago, and it already has over 12,000 views and a 4.5/5 rating. And amazingly, it has two awards already: The Weekly User’s Choice and the Daily Feature. I could not be happier. In fact, I’m kind of freaking out because I’ve created so many things, but none of them has ever become popular. Perhaps this is a gateway to getting people to experience my work. I am very excited.
I have a lot of work to do now that people are coming to my website and also playing my game. I’ll start adding some of my previous projects to my website so that there is more to see here. If you are reading this and you like Super Mario Bros Crossover, then consider subscribing. If you like the game, there’s a very big chance you’ll like my other stuff too. I plan on doing a lot of things related to classic video games. In fact, I have a big new project set for this summer that relates to a video game. Consider Super Mario Bros Crossover a taste of things to come. Thank you for visiting my site, and if you haven’t played the game yet, check it out.