Super Mario Bros. Crossover 3.0 Trailer

The trailer for Super Mario Crossover 3.0 is released on the 3 year anniversary of SMBC and Exploding Rabbit.

Today is the three year anniversary of Super Mario Bros. Crossover, so we figured it was a good day to release the trailer for version 3.0. Finally, we’re going to have more levels. We decided to take the levels from an obscure Mario game called Super Mario Bros. Special. It is a pretty weird game that even has some new items and enemies. Playing the game is an absolute nightmare because it’s on an old Japanese computer and it has many technical limitations. Now that it’s playable in SMBC, it can finally be enjoyed like other Mario games. Also, I know that people want The Lost Levels in the game, but we decided to do “Special” first since it’s something different. We’ll be working on The Lost Levels for a future update.

The other big feature we’re adding is levels that change based on difficulty. This means if you play on easy mode, you’ll play an easier version of each level, and for hard mode, a harder version. I really enjoy the hard mode levels. Since I’ve played the game so many times, I’m used to playing through the levels pretty quickly, but on hard mode, I have to stop and think about what I’m doing. It’s really fun, and it plays with the player’s expectations. Easy mode is also fun. Instead of just making the levels easier, we added tons of coins. It makes you want to collect as many as you can so it changes the gameplay a bit.

And of course, there are new skins. Many of the skins in the trailer were released in version 2.1, but I included them since many people may not be aware of them. The new map skins are Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES and SNES), Super Mario Bros. Special, Atari, and Castlevania. There are also some new character skins that were not shown in the trailer only because there is so much stuff in the game it’s difficult to show it all. As mentioned in the trailer, the new version will be released in May or June.

In addition to the three year anniversary of SMBC, it is also the three year anniversary of Exploding Rabbit. It’s always fun to look back on the anniversary and see where I was last year. If you would have told me one year ago that I was going to raise $53,000 and move across the country to work with people I never met on a commercial game, I would have told you that you’re crazy… and I still think you’re crazy, but that’s what happened.

We finally seem to be settled into the house and have most of our finances and lives in order, so we’re able to get a lot more work done now. I think you’ll notice that you’re going to see a lot more stuff from us now because of that. I’m also focusing a lot more on being more social and transparent online, so there shouldn’t be any long gaps of silence from us. I’m hoping to release videos pretty regularly now, and maybe, for once, I’ll be able to do it.

And I’m sure you noticed, but we have an updated logo. It’s a bit more colorful and fun, and I think it fits the company well (although it almost seems too colorful for the current design of the site, but let’s just ignore that for now).

Hmm… I seem to be writing a lot, and lots of text on one page scares me, so I’ll stop. Happy anniversary to everyone, and thanks for helping to make my life a crazy adventure.

956 thoughts on “Super Mario Bros. Crossover 3.0 Trailer”

  1. Please feel free to ignore all the people bitching about Sonic or their fav character not being in the game.
    Know that this FREE game is awesome and they should remember that.

    1. i know right they fucking bitch about shit that does not even matter i mean like wtf people really whether sonic is in the game or not doesnt mean fight about it. its just fucking stupid so stop

  2. on the update can u guys please add yoshi and kirby as playable characters and also more cheats

  3. Finally, there is going to be more enemies in the game! But I am really confused about the hammer. But still really cool though that there will be even more stuff.

    1. relax man. I don’t know if you ever realised that programming such a game needs time. It is not a big enterprise who makes games only in 30 days with a shitty gameplay and with “awesome” graphics… so stay cool. It won’t be long that we’ll know what are their deadline for releasing the 3.0 version

      1. I’m Sorry about that, I am just like a impatient gamer because I just couldn’t wait for it!

          1. well they’re being practically evil so the new smbc will be out on JULY. you’ll hafta wait A FULL MONTH D:

  4. This game needs a rom/console port. I love this game, but being able to only play it with my Keyboard/Xbox360 controller kinda sucks. Is a port a possibility? I would buy the SHIT out of that!

        1. umm no they didnt port it. obviosly he said that porting the game would get them in leagal trouble so. dont know what to tell you.. also seems legit

  5. Please You Have To Add………… Kirby & Yoshi & Donkey Kong…………….And Add New Items Like SUPER ACORN & Ice Flower & Baby yoshi’s

  6. When will this come out its June already add it now please I hate waiting when will you release this when is it coming out how much longer do I have to wait

  7. I remember the first time playing this game. It only had very little number of characters. I think it was 8?

    If you can. Can you please read this and think about it?

    More characters, levels + Their Bosses. And more cheats
    (Big mode or big head mode, bullet time [from: mari0 portal] [LSD mode just for fun]. MJ moon walk and more)

    Can you add
    Kirby (also can change color/colour + enemies)
    DK (Add his friends and enemies)
    Ness (add his friends and enemies)
    and also.

    Yoshi (to ride and or playable character)

  8. I remember the first time playing this game. It only had very little number of characters. I think it was 8?

    If you can. Can you please read this and think about it?

    More characters, levels + Their Bosses. And more cheats
    (Big mode or big head mode, bullet time [from: mari0 portal] [LSD mode just for fun]. MJ moon walk and more)

    Can you add
    Kirby (also can change color/colour + enemies)
    DK (Add his friends and enemies)
    Ness (add his friends and enemies)
    and also.
    Yoshi (to ride and or playable character)

        1. dude

          calm the fuck down they are working on it. jeez i know you guys are anxious but let them do what they need to fucking do. its not like the worlds going to end cuz of THAT. just wait already jeez.

    1. no one gives a shit and by the way isn’t it on the characters that are common on the nes and its the characters jay loves

      1. exactly and why the fuck are u guys even argueing about this shit its not even something to fight about.

        so guys end it fucking now this is the only time a will fucking say it

    2. okay shut your face about sonic its a pirate it doesnt count if it did then mario was on genesis

  9. Here’s more proof of sonic on the NES: its called sonic blast 5. If you don’t believe me look it up. You can even play it

  10. Oh yeah,to all your sonic the hedgehog madness he is actually in a pirate on the famicom or FDS I might be wrong but I’m sure its true

      1. u make no sense at all useing the term: up/in your ass. just stop. its REALLY stupid

  11. it’s so good to know that i’m not the only one who still cares about these games

    1. sorry this isn’t Ninja Baby attack Daneboe Said Bobjenz and
      Aaron Masey And Kevin Brueck

  12. rofl! whats that “double” jump over and over again how he jumps again middle on air…… well anyways pretty nice

  13. Why, and I mean WHY in the holy mother of god do you absolutly REFUSE to add sonic the hedghog in this game?
    “just because he’s not on nes” or some shit? fucking please.

    1. NO! Sonic’s level design is so different from Mario’s level design it would be nigh impossible to play sonic without carefully inching along. Also, SONIC THE HEDGEHOG WILL NEVER BE PUT ON A NINTENDO SYSTEM. Shut up, you clearly are an ungrateful little brat who doesn’t even think things through before acting out. Jeez.

          1. Sonic isn’t a Nintendo character, I’ll give you that. He has, however, appeared on several Nintendo systems; the Gamecube, the Wii, the Wii U, the Nintendo DS and the 3DS.

    2. because it born as a nes tribute, the characters can only be from nes, he could only put sonic as a skin on some character

    3. Sonic wouldn’t work on the game without some serious alterations on his gameplay, and Jay’s goal on the game is to replicate the characters the most faithful way possible. And also, there’s so much other characters with cool gameplay (Kirby, Arthur, etc.) which can be added without much changes.

      There’s no restriction on characters being from NES only, but so long Jay only put NES characters on the game. Maybe in the future. πŸ˜‰

        1. Well, Bass was conceived on a SNES game, but the version Jay’s actually using is that of Mega Man 9/10 (I can’t remember), a WiiWare game that emulates a NES Mega Man game.

        2. How is life living as an idiot?

          Bass’s concept was taken from Mega Man 10, which is made in the same exact style as the NES megaman games.

          All characters chosen are staples of the NES days, and Bass counts by proxy.

          SONIC DOESNT COUNT AT ALL BECAUSE HES NOT FROM TAHT AGE. Sonic fans are fucking stupid as shit.

          1. yo dude i get that u dont like sonic but im a sonic fan so stop. and know what else?
            im tired of u people reffering to fans as assholes. next time dont start shit its making people even more pissed

      1. I agree Sonic would be sliding off cliffs like Luigi and he would be speeding through a level bumping into enemies, dying

    4. Because someone made a fangame that put Sonic in SMB, so the fun’s been spoilt already.

  14. Why, and I mean WHY in the holy mother of god do you absolutly REFUSE to add sonic the hedgehog in this game?
    “just because he’s not on nes” or some shit? fucking please.

  15. Can’t wait for the new version to come out! Hopefully we can make the game also be multiplayer like said in your 2 year anniversary. Keep up the good work guys.

  16. This has to be the single greatest game I have ever seen!!! I can’t wait to play the new version!! Simply amazing! Maybe you guys could come up with a version for android I would definitely pay to have this on my phone!

      1. control panel has usb controllers working just fine, emulators/aps can map them out instead of keyboard buttons.

        snes usb controller is best I’ve found so far on nice pc controllers.

        Also have seen wireless PS3, Xbox live, and tablet specific wireless controllers that work w/o needing to crack the os like PS3 on tablets do.

    1. i have played minecraft on an android and it’s hard as FUCK so you must be high or somthing to those controlz

  17. wow no one else has commented on here? u guys deserve better! u hnot only have made an exact pixel to pixel simulation of super mario bros, but have also added so many new characters (also counting skins) as well as the graphics. AND all in an online game! I’d say this (going by GALLONS OF AWE-SOME SAUCE) would beat Mari0 ( if it were a downloadable game!

    1. I… honestly didn’t know you could comment here. Everyone leaves comments on the forums.

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